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Recovering from All-on-4 Surgery: What Can You Expect?

May 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — belldentalky @ 6:34 pm
Woman relaxing at home after All-on-4 surgery

All-on-4 dental implants are an efficient, cost-effective way to reverse extensive tooth loss. However, the treatment does involve a surgical procedure; you will have to go through a healing period before you can start to fully enjoy the benefits of your new smile. What can you expect while you are recovering from All-on-4 surgery? This blog post offers a look at the postoperative experience.

What Happens Immediately after All-on-4 Surgery?

It is likely that you will be sedated during your procedure. As the sedative leaves your body, you may feel groggy and tired. It is therefore important to have a trustworthy adult ready to drive you home following your appointment.

Swelling, mild bleeding, and general discomfort are all normal after oral surgery. Try to avoid strenuous physical exertion and get lots of rest during the first few days of your recovery. You may also need to take some pain medications and use ice to keep swelling to a minimum.

Be sure to remember that even though you will have a new denture right after your surgery, you should not use your new teeth to chew right away. Rather, you should adhere to a liquid diet for as long as your dentist recommends.

When Will You Feel Normal?

Most patients are able to start easing back into their normal routine within a few days of their surgery. However, fully recovery may take up to 4 weeks or so. How long it takes for you to feel normal depends on your overall health and your adherence to postop instructions. Your age and other factors may also come into play. Be patient with yourself and allow plenty of time for healing.

As your mouth starts to feel normal, you will be able to start adding fork-tender foods into your diet. (In other words, you can eat anything that is easy to cut with the side of a fork.) You should be diligent about sticking to a gentle and thorough oral hygiene routine.

When Will You Get Your Permanent Teeth?

Over the course of several months, your dental implants will form a strong bond with the surrounding bone. This process, known as osseointegration, will be continuing even after you start to feel that your mouth has returned to normal.

After adequate osseointegration has occurred, your dentist will replace the denture you received immediately after your surgery with one that is designed to be more permanent. You should be able to use your new denture almost exactly like you would use natural teeth.

Complete recovery from All-on-4 surgery requires some time, but any inconveniences you experience along the way will be well worth it when you have a healthy, happy, and complete smile!

Meet the Practice

Dr. Kenneth Bell and the team at Bell Dental are proud to offer All-on-4 treatment in addition to traditional dental implant services. If you have questions about what to expect during your tooth replacement journey, we would be happy to speak with you. Contact our Louisville dental office at 502-749-2355.

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